


  • 公司: 深圳市世纪天源仪器有限公司
  • 地址: 深圳市宝安区民治街道皇嘉梅陇公馆A913(梅林关维也纳酒店旁)
  • 联系: 涂美兰
  • 手机: 13570829212
  • 电话: 0755-23155856
  • 一键开店


2021-01-09 03:33:01  868次浏览 次浏览
价 格:111

Material Stainless steel, Material No. 1.4301

Basket dimensions height approx. 430 mm

width approx. 500 mm

depth approx. 600 mm

Volume approx. 130 l

Max. weight of specimen approx. 20 kg

1.2.2 External Housing

Dimensions height 1 approx. 1990 mm

width approx. 1820 mm

width with door

hinge approx. 1850 mm

depth without

door approx. 900 mm

depth with removable

door approx. 1215 mm

Required clearances for

test cabinet height approx. 2010 mm

width approx. 1870 mm

depth ² approx. 1220 mm

Exterior finish two-coloured

grey-white RAL 9002

blue violet RAL 5000

Door manual sliding door

Door window approx. 450 x 500 mm

1 The height of the unit in operation with extended gear rack is approx. 2550 mm.

² If the observation door is removed, the required depth clearance is approx. 950 mm.

1.3 Installation Drawing

1.4 Equipment

Shelf 1 pc., made from stainless steel, adjustable in specimen basket

Port approx. 32 mm , port combined with the gear rack, moving with the basket

Refrigeration unit hermetic, water-cooled cascade

12 colour touch panel arranged ergonomically

Control Digital Measuring and Control System S!MPAC*

Interfaces  1 Ethernet interface (100/10 Megabit) for integration into network

 1 USB interface for direct documentation of measuring data via USB stick (USB stick is not included) or as printer interface

High-/low temperature safety device as per EN 60 519-2 (1993), with separate sensor, thermal safety class 2, 1 in the hot chamber and 1 in the cold chamber.

1.5 Performance Data

Changeover time approx. 10 sec.

Temperature change of 10 kg ICs  15 min.

Temperature ranges

- Hot chamber

- Cold chamber

+60 °C to +220 °C

-80 °C to -10 °C

Temperature constancy, in time ±1 K

Calibration values -40 °C cold chamber and

+125 °C hot chamber


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